HomeOur CustomersAutomotive industry

Automotive industry

Manufacturers in the automotive industry must not only achieve economies of scale, but also respond to shifting market demand. This requires production operations that are precisely synchronized with the “pull” signals of numerous OEM (original equipment manufacturer) customers, yet flexible enough to efficiently handle sudden production shifts caused by market changes or unplanned events.

Continental logo


Vald. Birn A/S Logo

Vald. Birn A/S

GKN Wheels logo

GKN Wheels

Kockums Maskin AB logo

Kockums Maskin

Operator for automotive is...

  • Full visibility of production processes. Operator Systems enables real-time quantitative production reporting, optimal use of manpower and resources, and integration with machines. Collected production and warehousing data are available in the Operator Manufacturing Intelligence system and Master Systems (BI, ERP, APS), whose task is to schedule and plan production in order to optimize company costs
  • Rapid adaptation to new work with short lead times and fast information flow.
  • Launch JIT (Just-in-Time) and Sequenced JIT production and delivery strategies based on customer “pull” signals. With full integration with production, the Operator Logistic module enables unified material management for factory floor and warehouse employees. At all logistical stages: between multiple production locations, the production hall and the warehouse, there is a simple, smooth and automatic exchange of materials.
  • The full integration of logistics, production and scheduling streamlines the manufacturing process by ensuring proper inventory levels and enables accurate inventory counts and easy product counting. This prevents production downtime due to lack of raw materials or storage space.
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Let's talk

Our meetings with new clients are always free, without obligation. We also try to make them valuable. We will talk about the specifics of your production → this is key for us to present the right solution 🎯.